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Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping in 2023 – Which One Should You Choose?

From FBA vs Dropshipping: Which Strategy Reigns Supreme in the E-Commerce Arena?


Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, with millions of products available for sale. As a seller, there are various options for fulfillment methods. One popular option is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon stores and ships your products to customers on your behalf.

This can save you time and effort, as well as provide access to Amazon’s massive customer base. On the other hand, there is also the option to fulfill customer orders yourself through Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM).

This means that you store and ship your own products directly to customers without involving Amazon in the process. Choosing between FBA and FBM depends on your business model and preferences.

If you have a large inventory or are selling high volume products, FBA may be a better choice due to its comprehensive fulfillment method. However, if you have a smaller inventory or prefer more control over the shipping process, FBM may be the right choice for you.

Selling products

When it comes to selling products online, both Amazon FBA and dropshipping have their pros and cons. Let’s take a look at how each model works. With Amazon FBA, you first need to choose the products you want to sell online.

You can either create your own products or source them from a manufacturer or wholesaler. Once you have your inventory, you’ll send it to an Amazon warehouse where they’ll store, pick, pack, and ship your orders for you.

This fulfillment method takes a lot of the work off of your plate and allows for quick delivery times through Amazon’s vast network of warehouses. Dropshipping is a different business model altogether.

Instead of owning inventory, dropshippers use a supplier who stocks the products they want to sell. When an order is placed on their e-commerce site, the dropship supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

This means that there is minimal upfront investment since you don’t need to purchase inventory in advance. However, it also means that you don’t have control over the shipping process and may experience longer delivery times if your supplier is based overseas.

Fulfillment options

When it comes to e-commerce, fulfillment is a crucial aspect that can make or break your business. Fortunately, both Amazon FBA and dropshipping offer different fulfillment options to suit various needs and preferences.

For Amazon FBA, the fulfillment process is comprehensive. You send your inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and they take care of everything from storage to shipping.

This means that you don’t have to worry about handling individual orders or managing the logistics of getting products to your customers. Additionally, since Amazon has an extensive network of warehouses, you can reach customers quickly and efficiently.

Dropshipping offers you same day fulfillment services with a different fulfillment method. With this model, you don’t own any inventory; instead, you partner with a supplier who holds all the stock.

When a customer places an order on your website or marketplace store, you forward it to the supplier who then ships the product directly to the customer on your behalf. This approach has its advantages since there’s no upfront investment on inventory costs; however, it also means less control over product quality and shipping times.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

is a great way for e-commerce sellers to simplify their business and maximize profits. One of the key differences between FBA and other fulfillment methods is that Amazon handles all aspects of the order, from picking, packing, and shipping to customer service. This comprehensive approach makes it easier for sellers to focus on growing their business and expanding their product offerings rather than worrying about shipping logistics.

Choosing FBA as your fulfillment method has numerous advantages over other options in terms of scaling your e-commerce and other business models. For instance, the FBA model allows you to benefit from Amazon’s vast distribution network, which enables you to reach more customers worldwide.

Additionally, FBA can help improve your metrics and ranking on Amazon since it ensures faster delivery times and higher-quality packaging for your products. Overall, if you are looking for a better way to streamline your e-commerce sales process and provide fast, reliable shipping options to customers worldwide, then choosing Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) might be the right choice for you in 2023.

Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM)

If you’re considering selling products on Amazon, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is which fulfillment method to use. While Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a popular choice, it’s not the only option.

Another fulfillment method is Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM). Choosing FBM means that as the seller, you are responsible for storing, packing, and shipping the products yourself.

This can be a great option for those who want more control over their inventory and shipping process. With FBM, you have more flexibility to choose your own carriers and packaging materials.

Additionally, FBM can be a good choice if your profit margins are low since there are no additional fees for using Amazon’s fulfillment services. However, it’s important to note that FBM may not be as comprehensive as Amazon FBA when it comes to customer service and returns processing, which could impact your overall e-commerce business model.


is a business model that has become increasingly popular in the e-commerce industry. It involves selling products without actually owning or stocking them. Instead, when a customer purchases a product from the dropshipper’s website, the order is sent directly to the supplier who then ships the product directly to the customer.

One of the key differences between dropshipping and Amazon FBA is that with dropshipping, there is no need to purchase inventory upfront. This means that there is minimal upfront investment required, making it an attractive option for those who are just starting out selling online, or who have limited funds.

Additionally, since there is no need to purchase and store inventory, dropshippers do not have to worry about managing stock levels or investing in warehouse space. Another benefit of dropshipping as a fulfillment method is that it allows for a more comprehensive range of products to be offered on an e-commerce website.

Since there are no limitations on storage space or inventory or shipping costs either, dropshippers can choose from a much wider range of products and niches than they would be able to with Amazon FBA. However, it’s important to note that this business model also has its downsides and may not be the right choice for everyone.

Business model

When it comes to business models, there are many differences between Amazon the FBA business model and the dropshipping model. Starting with dropshipping, this model allows retailers to sell products without physically owning them. Instead, the retailer partners with a supplier who owns the inventory, and when a customer places an order, the supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

This means that a dropshipping store also requires very minimal upfront investment compared to other e-commerce models. However, this model also means that retailers have less control over product quality and shipping times since they don’t physically handle the products.

On the other hand, Amazon FBA allows retailers to sell their own products through Amazon’s platform while outsourcing most of the fulfillment process to Amazon’s warehouses. This model provides more control over product quality and shipping times since retailers handle their own inventory before sending it off to Amazon’s warehouses for shipping.

However, it does come with higher costs since sellers must pay fees for storing their inventory in Amazon’s warehouses as well as fees for using their fulfillment services. When choosing between these two business models, it ultimately comes down to what type of retailer you want to be and what your goals are for your online business.

Dropshipping is great for those who want a low-cost entry into e-commerce without having to deal with physical inventory management. But if you’re looking for more comprehensive control over your products and fulfillment method, then Amazon FBA might be the right choice for you.

Ownership of product

When it comes to the ownership of the product, there are some key differences between Amazon FBA and dropshipping. With Amazon FBA, you as the seller own and source the products that you sell on Amazon. You are responsible for managing your inventory, shipping it to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and ensuring that your products meet all necessary regulations and requirements.

On the other hand, with dropshipping, you don’t actually own or hold any inventory. Instead, you act as a middleman between your customers and a supplier or manufacturer who ships the product directly to your customer.

This means that you don’t have to worry about managing inventory or fulfilling orders yourself. In terms of pros and cons, owning your own product can be both a blessing and a curse.

On one hand, you have more control over the quality of your products and can potentially earn higher profits by sourcing them yourself. On the other hand, it requires more upfront investment in terms of time, money, and resources.

With dropshipping, however, there’s less risk involved since you’re not investing in holding inventory or fulfilling orders yourself. However, this also means that you have less control over the quality of your products since they’re being sourced from a supplier or manufacturer who may not share your same standards.

Ultimately choosing between Amazon FBA and dropshipping will depend on your e-commerce business model and goals. If you want comprehensive control over all aspects of your ecommerce business model, including fulfillment method then Amazon FBA might be a better fit for you but if minimal upfront investment is what drives choosing then dropshipping could be 2023’s right choice for setting up an online business!

Minimal upfront investment

When it comes to starting an e-commerce business, one of the biggest financial barriers for entrepreneurs is the upfront investment required. This is where dropshipping shines, as it allows you to start a business with minimal investment.

With dropshipping, there’s no need to purchase inventory upfront and store it in a warehouse or your home. Instead, you can list products on your online store and only order them from your dropshipping supplier after a customer has placed an order on your website.

This model is perfect for people who want to start their own e-commerce business but don’t have much capital or are hesitant to risk their savings. By choosing the right products, optimizing your website for conversions and focusing on marketing efforts such as social media advertising or influencer marketing, dropshipping can provide a comprehensive approach to building an online store without breaking the bank.

However, keep in mind that while there is lower overhead cost with dropshipping compared to Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), it also means that profit margins may be smaller due to higher product costs and limitations on bulk discounts. Ultimately, choosing between Amazon FBA or Dropshipping depends on what fits best for your budget and long-term goals.

Fulfillment method

When it comes to fulfillment method, both Amazon FBA and dropshipping have their own pros and cons. With Amazon FBA, fulfillment is extremely comprehensive.

Essentially, Amazon takes care of all the storage, packaging, and shipping of your products. This means that you don’t have to worry about hiring a warehouse or handling shipments yourself.

Additionally, the customer service aspect is also taken care of by Amazon. This can be a huge advantage as it saves you time and money on staff and other resources.

On the other hand, dropshipping has a very different fulfillment model. As discussed earlier in this article, with a dropshipping business model you never actually hold inventory yourself – instead, you simply list products for sale on your website or e-commerce platform and then order them from a supplier only after they’ve been purchased by a customer.

The supplier handles all aspects of packing and shipping directly to the customer. While this model can seem tempting due to its simplicity and minimal upfront investment required by the business owner, it can also lead to quality control issues if suppliers do not provide high-quality products or handle shipping in an efficient manner.

Ultimately, choosing between these two models depends on what kind of business you want to run and what your personal preferences are when it comes to fulfillment methods. If you prioritize convenience over cost savings then Amazon FBA might be the better option for you; but if low overhead costs are key then dropshipping could be the right choice for your business in 2023 or beyond!

Amazon FBA

Fulfillment by Amazon, is a comprehensive fulfillment method that gives businesses the ability to sell their products on the Amazon marketplace while outsourcing the majority of their logistics tasks. In simple terms, Amazon FBA allows sellers to use Amazon’s vast network of warehouses and distribution centers to store, pack, and ship their products directly to customers. This model is particularly useful for businesses that require a lot of storage space or have inventory management challenges.

One of the key differences between Amazon FBA and dropshipping is ownership of product. With FBA, once a seller sends their inventory to an Amazon warehouse, they no longer physically own it.

However, the seller retains legal ownership and has control over pricing and other related aspects. Additionally, with FBA, there are no upfront costs for storage or shipping fees; instead purchase stock upfront and, sellers are charged a percentage of each sale they make on the platform.

For some sellers, this business model can be more cost-effective than holding onto inventory in-house or using dropshipping methods. Ultimately it comes down to choosing what makes better business sense for your company in 2023.


is a business model that has gained significant popularity over the last few years. It allows entrepreneurs to sell products online without owning any inventory or having to worry about shipping or fulfillment. Essentially, you choose a supplier who ships the product directly to the customer on your behalf.

One of the key advantages of dropshipping is that it requires minimal upfront investment. You don’t have to purchase inventory in advance or pay for storage space, which can significantly reduce your overhead costs.

Additionally, since you’re not handling any physical products yourself, you can focus more on growing and marketing your e-commerce or other business model, rather than dealing with logistics and order fulfillment. However, one potential downside of this whole ecommerce model is that you don’t have direct control over the product quality or shipping times, as these are handled by your supplier.

Despite its benefits, dropshipping may not be the right choice for everyone. If you’re looking for comprehensive control over your own business and want to ensure quality from start-to-finish, then Amazon FBA may be a better fit for you.

Additionally, with Amazon projecting its revenue from FBA services to grow up to $80 billion by 2023, it’s clear that many businesses are choosing this fulfillment method for their e-commerce ventures. Ultimately, when comparing Amazon FBA vs Dropshipping it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision regarding which option is best for your specific business needs and goals.


Choosing between Amazon FBA and dropshipping ultimately depends on your business goals and needs. Both models have their pros and cons, so it’s important to consider each aspect before making a decision. If you’re looking for a comprehensive fulfillment method with ownership of the product, then Amazon FBA may be the better choice for you.

With the ability to sell on one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, you have access to a wide customer base and can take advantage of Amazon’s shipping infrastructure. On the other hand, if you’re just starting out and don’t want to make a large upfront investment, then dropshipping may be the right choice for your business model.

This method allows you to sell products without actually owning them, giving you more flexibility in your inventory and less risk. As we move towards 2023, it’s clear that e-commerce will continue to grow as more consumers shop online.

Understanding the key differences between Amazon FBA and dropshipping can help you make an informed decision when it comes to fulfilling orders and growing your business. Ultimately, both options can lead to success if executed properly.